- 01_ Introduction hits: 5
- 02_The Beginning and Stuff hits: 1
- 03_The Golden Age of Cannibalism hits: 1
- 04_The Olympians Bash Some Heads hits: 1
- 05_Zeus hits: 1
- 06_Hestia Chooses Bachelor Number Zero hits: 1
- 07_Demeter Turns into Grainzilla hits: 1
- 08_Persephone Marries Her Stalker hits: 1
- 09_Hera Gets a Little Cuckoo hits: 1
- 10_Hades Does Home Improvement hits: 1
- 11_Poseidon Gets Salty hits: 1
- 12_Zeus Kills Everyone hits: 1
- 13_Athena Adopts a Handkerchief hits: 1
- 14_You Gotta Love Aphrodite hits: 1
- 15_Ares, the Manly Man’s Manly Man hits: 1
- 17_Apollo Sings and Dances and Shoots People hits: 1
- 18_Artemis Unleashes the Death Pig hits: 1
- 19_Hermes Goes to Juvie hits: 1
- 20_Dionysus Conquers the World with a Refreshing Beverage hits: 1
- 21_Afterword hits: 1
作者 (Author) | Riordan, Rick |
Summary: Percy Jackson, a modern-day demigod, shares the origin stories of the gods of Olympus and provides an insider's point of view in this illustrated collection. The plots contain sexual references typical of Greek mythology. | |
等级 (MML) | MM Level-5.4 |
年级 (IL) | Medium Grades (MG 4-8) |
字数 (Words) | 106350 |
类型 (Fiction) | Fiction |
系列 (Series) | Percy Jackson; |
Topic: Folklore/Fables/Myths-Folklore/Fables/Myths (All); History-Ancient Greece; |