1. CH 01-06 hits: 395
  2. CH 07-14 hits: 12
  3. CH 12-21 hits: 14
  4. CH 22-29 hits: 7
  5. CH 30-36 hits: 4
  6. CH 37-44 hits: 4
作者 (Author) Creech, Sharon
Summary: After her mother leaves home suddenly, thirteen-year-old Sal and her grandparents take a car trip retracing her mother's route. Along the way, Sal recounts the story of her friend Phoebe, whose mother also left.
等级 (MML) MM Level-4.8
年级 (IL) Medium Grades (MG 4-8)
字数 (Words) 59400
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
系列 (Series) 1995 Newbery Medal;
Topic: Award Winners-Heartland Award for Excellence in YA Literature; Award Winners-State Award; Award Winners-BCCB Blue Ribbon Book; Award Winners-Newbery Medal; Family Life-Misc./Other; Family Life-Grandparents; Family Life-Death; Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship; Mysteries-Missing Persons; Power Lessons MM-Grade 5; Power Lessons MM-Grade 4; Recommended Reading-California Recommended Lit., English, 6-8;